Saturday, March 19, 2011

virginity certificate

So my first hash was awesome! We hiked some easy trails by the beach and got to check out the crazy full moon shining on the water (tonight, the moon is closer to the earth than it has been in something like the last 18 years). We ran for a while too and it felt great to be super physical and outdoors in the warm night air. SOOO much better than going to an after party at a club (where most of my school was going tonight).

When the hashing was over, the hashers all gathered at a local bar and had yummy local food prepared for us. I got to try Grenada's official dish... its this weird concoction called "oil down" which is made up of coconut milk, bread fruit, dough balls, salt fish, and some kind of tangy cabbage. It was different than anything I have ever tried before, but it wasn't bad. After that, all of the "hash virgins" were rounded up and presented with a "loss of virginity" certificate - but not before we all had about 10 beers dumped on our heads. it was disgusting - but part of the initiation. I laughed and enjoyed myself.

I will post some of the moonlit photos I took tomorrow, but in the meantime, here is my virginity certificate.

click the picture to see the big version. the certificate is quite funny. : )

1 comment:

  1. Dayna, did you let everyone know that running around in the jungle is like a cakewalk for you, without monkeys pooping on you and 84 000 bug bites?
