Monday, March 14, 2011


back to class today. the weekend wasn't long enough. we started a new section on dog/cat nutrition today and went to class right up until 5pm. We also have an exam in less than 2 weeks. it never stops.

Tonight some of my friends invited me to go to this bar called The Owl with them. Every Monday night they have crab races so we were all going to go check it out. At the last minute one of my review sessions got bumped to a later time though so I wasn't able to go. I was disappointed because the people who asked me to go are friends that I haven't hung out with very much yet. I was hoping to go and get to know them better. hopefully they will ask me again.

Other than that, I was meaning to post some photos from the booze cruise this weekend, but I am just too tired right now. I will do it tomorrow. Instead, here is a photo of Dodgy Docks - the restaurant we went to on Friday night.

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