Thursday, March 3, 2011

hell week

Midterms are coming. Here is the schedule starting next week.

Physiology. I think I can get an A with a little bit more work. I actually like physiology and could see myself becoming an internal medicine vet someday.
Nutrition. I haven't started studying for this one yet, but I made fantastic notes in class so I hope I do ok.
Histology. I have been working on this class all week. It is SO time consuming, but I will be angry if I don't get an A.
Day off
Anatomy lecture and lab exams. There is just so much to learn. How I do will depend on if I study the correct things or not. I hope to do well again and keep my A.

I really hope I can pull off more good grades. There just don't seem to be enough hours in the day to get all the studying in that I need. The good thing is, I have gone to the gym for the last 6 days in a row. Being physically active really makes me feel good and I haven't really felt stressed out at all. Hope I can keep it up for the next 8 days. Once exams are finished, I am going to treat myself to a massage and a pedicure at this place down by the beach. Can't wait!

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