Friday, March 18, 2011

bookstore fail

I was having a bit of an off day today.... feeling kind of like I don't fit in here and am all alone. So I decided to go buy myself a present to cheer myself up. I was hoping to find a new novel since I am nearly finished my last book (Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut). I took the bus to the mall and approached the tiny bookstore. There was a shelf right in the entranceway with fiction books on it. I checked it out, but it seemed only to have grocery store bestsellers, romance novels, and twilight-type teen fiction (i can't even begin to express how lame the Twilight series is). huh.

I moved into the store to check out the other shelves. One shelf was devoted to Grenada-type picture books. Souvenir type stuff. I moved on and surveyed the rest of the place. Every single other shelf in that store had either self-help books, bibles (they had a whole aisle devoted to bibles), books relating to Jesus, or Jesus audio-books. Seriously. 95% of the store was Jesus books. Not cool Grenada - you need to broaden your horizons when it comes to literature.

I can't wait until I get home and start downloading real books on my birthday Kindle.

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