Tuesday, March 22, 2011


- not too much to report. It has been raining constantly for the past 2 days. I bought an umbrella.

- things are starting to pick up again - exam wise. I have nutrition this friday, physiology next Tuesday, histology next friday, and then anatomy the wednesday after that.

- I am looking forward to this semester being over. I find that seeing the same people every single day becomes exhausting and makes me irritable. This is concerning since I have to spend the next 3 years with them. I hope that living off-campus next semester will help me to re-charge at the end of the day and be less annoyed with the people around me. Regardless, I need to keep my eye on the prize and just get through this.

- I am unsure of what I will do for work when I get home - I hope to get a job in a vet clinic but i find it hard to believe that any place would want to hire me for 2.5 months. I will just have to convince them how awesome I am i guess.

- that's it for now.

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