Friday, March 25, 2011


I scored a 97% on my nutrition exam... but before you get all excited, it was a very very easy test. Still, no complaints. After the test, we had our first clinical skills class. We got to go into the simulation lab and listen to different kinds of heart and lung sounds. I loved it. This is the stuff that really matters - in this class we are learning the actual hands-on skills that vets need. Next week we have clinical labs with live animals. It should be fantastic.

After school was over, my closest friend and I took the bus into the city to check out a grocery store where all of the locals shop. The prices weren't that much different - but the selection on vegetables and junk food was much better. I picked up some yogurt and some fruit for my breakfast smoothies. After that, we walked around and had ate some STREET MEAT! Yeah, that sounds dirty, but really, its just this street barbecue that happens every friday night near the shopping mall. We got a thing of BBQ pork ribs and a thing of BBQ chicken - and split the two. We paid $16EC for the whole lot of it - which is a great price. and oh man - it was tasty.

After that, I came home and did my taxes. Quite a way to end the evening. My return wasn't that great but it's better than a kick in the pants. I am thinking about putting the return towards an old student loan or doing something smart with it. I guess I should wait until the money actually arrives. Now I am going to go to the gym and relax before bed.

Tomorrow morning consists of studying histology and physiology and then tomorrow afternoon I am going HASHING again. This one is a beach hash which is great. After we run, we are all going to jump in the water and cool off. I will photograph of course! That's it!

1 comment:

  1. All sounds good, Dayna! F.Y.I. it's still winter here with a biting wind today. Wish you were here, but glad you're not missing the Alberta weather.
