Thursday, March 17, 2011


not much to report. just plugging away at this whole school thing.

- I got to be the cutter in anatomy lab yesterday. I got to open up the dog's stomach and intestines, as well as remove all of the skin around the anus so the muscles could be examined. It was fun.

- I keep meaning to post photos of my sailing weekend, but I am just too lazy. Hopefully tomorrow.

- This weekend has a lot going on. Tomorrow after class, there is a talent show on the basketball court right beside my dorm. I want to go watch. After that, the vet school band is putting on a show at this bar called "Old School". The band sucks, but it is a fun place to go and if I am in the mood to go to the bar it could be fun.

- Saturday there is a big "after-midterm" party on the beach called Sand Blast. They do it every year. Everybody in the school goes and apparently sometimes people party a little too hard. Last year 7 people had to go to the hospital for alcohol poisoning and one girl got kicked out of school for getting into an actual fight. It should be hilarious to watch. I will most likely just people-watch in the sun.

- After Sand Blast, there is a Hash. A hash is a kind of Grenadian jungle hike, and they happen every 2nd Saturday. The busses leave from campus and go to remote parts of the island. We hike/run on trails in the jungle, and then have a locally prepared meal. I have been meaning to go hashing for a while now but haven't been able to because of exams. It is probably the thing I am looking forward to most.

ok that's it! time to get some rest before the weekend starts. hah

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