Wednesday, January 19, 2011

time to study

So today was the first official day of "real" vet school. I had the following classes: anatomy lab, histology, physiology, anatomy lecture, and histology again. The histo and physio classes seem like they will be a lot of work... but manageable as long as I keep up with things. The anatomy course has a fantastic professor... but the amount of material we need to learn is CRAZY. Before the lab was over, I had begun to panic and had convinced myself that this was a mistake... that I should never have been let into vet school... and that I am far too stupid to cram all of this material into my head. I HATE feeling stupid. It is the worst feeling in the world.

Thankfully, after class my peers and I got to talking... and it turns out that all of us are feeling this way. Knowing that i'm not the only one makes me feel better. I am just going to do my best and make sure I do my reviews every night after class. From now on, the weekends will be reserved for making flash cards for the material we covered during the week and committing it to my memory. Hopefully there are enough hours in the day to get everything learned.

Tonight I made dinner (red thai curry with chicken and potatoes) and reviewed my histo and physio while it cooked. Then I reviewed anatomy for over an hour but I feel like I haven't even scratched the surface yet. Baby steps I guess. Now I am going to try to get some rest because I am tired and am no longer studying productively. I don't have class until 10am tomorrow, so I plan to get up at 8 and study for 1 more hour before class. woo!

One final note: I don't think this vet school blog is as exciting as my monkeyschool blog. I have barely seen any cool wildlife here yet. Hopefully I can keep things interesting so people keep reading. I still need to post photos of campus and my dorm room.
miss you all!


  1. Your blogs don't have to be exciting, Dayna. Sometimes just knowing how someone else is coping with real life can be encouraging for others in different situations.Stay strong and balanced as you seem to be now.You are always interesting.

  2. MMM... your dinner sounded great! Don't feel dumb, it's your normal cycle when starting something new. i.e. "Math is hard, I feel Dumb" *Fast forward 4 months* "OMG I got an A! How did I pull that off?"

  3. Not boring at all! I'm thoroughly enjoying reading your blogs!!
