Wednesday, January 26, 2011

class pic

I had a long day and i'm tired. I got up, wrote my quiz, dissected the muscles of a dog, sat through 5 hours of lecture, went to an Emergency and Critical Care Club meeting (we can volunteer to work shifts at the emergency hospital) went to the gym, and studied. I am ready to relax for a bit before bed.

Here is a photo I stole off a classmate's facebook page. This image is from our Anatomy Palpation lab. Everybody is laughing and looks so happy. It was a really fun day.
The lady in the pink is one of our instructors, and she is married to the crazy-fun anatomy instructor. She is really nice and often comes to the lab to help out. She is also a vet and will teach us the animal wellfare class later this term. The little dog is named Bella and I got to snuggle her for a while that day. She is a Chinese Crested breed, and when you ask her to sing a song, she howls for you. Its adorable. She is also a working dog, and knows how to stand still and let all of us learn by poking and prodding her. She has been coming to anatomy labs for 7 years. Having live animals in our class makes me sooo happy. Today we had a baby Yorkshire terrier that the married professors are fostering. (Did I mention they have 13 dogs?)

ok that's it for tonight! xox

1 comment:

  1. In this photo Bella resembles one of the "My Little Pony" pets that my friend's five year old daughter loves. No wonder you loved your cuddle with Bella.
