Sunday, January 9, 2011

Airport Fun

Yes. It's true. Your favorite blogatrix is back. I am currently sitting in the Edmonton International Airport waiting to board the flight that will take me to my new life. For those of you who need a little update, I am super excited to announce that I got accepted to a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program at St. George's University in Grenada. Where exactly is that you ask? Right here. I know right? Isn't it awesome?

I am really excited to blog again. I love it! I even bought myself a nice new digital camera so I can take all kinds of fantastic photos to show you guys. I can't wait.

So here is my plan for today. I fly from Edmonton to Toronto. Wait 2 hours. Fly from Toronto to Barbados. Wait 6 hours. And then fly from Barbados to St. George's, Grenada where somebody from the school will be waiting for me and will take me to my new home. I will be living on campus for my first semester which is good and bad. It's good because moving to a new country can be a little crazy at first. It will be nice to have a home base which is safe and convenient. It's bad because I may or may not have to share a room with a complete stranger (I will find out when I get there), and also because I had to leave my sweet dog Neko at home. I cried a when I had to say goodbye to her, but she is staying with my parents and she LOVES them. So I know she will be ok.

Anyway, the plane is boarding soon so I should go. But I will leave you with a couple fun tidbits of info.


2. This is a photo of my school. And yes, its ok to be jealous. :D

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