Saturday, January 15, 2011

Grenada Randoms

Here are just a few random things.
  • 2011 is the 250th anniversary of when people in France began the profession of veterinary medicine. (I learned that in a lecture yesterday. :D )

  • My bed here is surprisingly comfortable. I sleep sooo well.

  • The word Grenada is pronounced "Gren-EH-da" not "Gren-AHH-da". That is how the locals say it.

  • English is the official language of Grenada... but when I listen to locals speak to each other, it doesn't sound like english at all to me! They use so many strange slang words. I love the sound of their accents though. Caribbean accents are probably THE coolest sounding accents in the world (in my opinion). Ay mon.

  • Since coming to the island, I have lost weight. My summer clothes are no longer muffin-toppy, and I just feel better. I am definitely eating less, but I am also drinking tonns more water. My skin is also nicer. I am tanned, and I no longer have to use gallons of lotion to combat the dry-itchiness that comes with Alberta winters. Living in the tropics makes me look better! :)

  • I have met one of my roommates so far. She is a 2nd term vet student and I like her. She seems like a mellow person so I think we will get along well. The other roommate hasn't arrived yet. Apparently she is a 2nd term med student.. but all the med students were supposed to be here by the 12th, so maybe she isn't coming? That would be kind of cool - sharing a 3 person suite with only one person. We shall see

  • Went to the "cheap" grocery store today and I bought some extra provisions. The girl at the counter was super nice and gave us free cheese grater/carrot peelers. I also bought some cookies with lime filling in them. I love trying strange new foods that I have never seen before. They also had this really thick pistachio flavoured green alcohol of some kind. But I didn't buy that...

  • Tonight the vet students have a little "welcome barbecue" in the soccer field that is right outside my dorm. Last night was the party at Aquarium. It was packed with drunk students. I did not drink anything besides water.... I did order one rum punch at the beginning of the night, but it was pretty much all rum with a splash of punch. I didn't like it so i left it on a table after 1 sip.

ok, that's it for now!
xox Dayna

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