Thursday, January 13, 2011

Grand Etang and Annadale Falls

I have been having more and more fun since last time I blogged. Last night, some vetschool friends and I went to a bar called Bananas that is just down the road from the school. Everybody was in a great mood. We laughed and had some drinks... and some shots... and before I realized, I was horribly, embarrassingly drunk. I only had 2 shots, and 2 drinks during the entire night... but I seriously underestimated the amount of alcohol that they give you in each drink. Normally, 4 drinks over a few hours would get me a nice happy buzz which would wear off before it was time to go home. But no. Last night when we left I could barely see, and I was slurring my words so badly that I just stopped talking because it was easier. pathetic! We took a cab back to campus, and when I got to my room I ate the entire bag of dried banana chips that I had sitting on my desk. They were so good. Then I forced myself to drink a giant jug of water so I wouldn't feel like death in the morning. good times

This morning, I got up to use the bathroom at 7am. We all have locks on our room doors to prevent theft, and apparently in my drunken retardedness the night before I forgot to pop the lock on mine. While I was in the bathroom, my door closed on its own and when I went to stumble back to my bed, I realized that I was locked out. awesome. I was wearing a little pair of booty shorts and a tank top so I didn't really want to go parading around the building looking for security to let me back into my room. Also, if I left the apartment to look for security, I would end up hungover, and half naked in the hallway with no key. I didn't know what to do. Luckily, after a minute another student walked by my door. He let me use his cell phone to call security and they came after about 5 minutes. I felt like a complete tard and went back to bed for a while so i could forget my ordeal.

I got up a few hours later and a bunch of us who went out the night before met up and ate some lunch. Then we all piled into the SGU busses for a tour of the Grand Etang Forest and Annandale Waterfall. We had a fantastic time. At the waterfall there was this group of locals who would climb up the rocks and jump off the falls. We watched them for a bit and then headed back to the busses to continue to Grand Etang Lake. On the way back there was a local man with a mona monkey on his shoulder. Everybody hollered to me to come over (cause I am the monkey girl) and they took my photo with the little monkey. I was really excited to see a mona monkey for the first time. they are quite a bit smaller than I expected... about the same size as a capuchin. I also felt really sad for the monkey cause it was quite young and the man had a leash around its little waist. :( monkeys should never be pets. ever.

After the falls, we went to Grand Etang Lake which is a dead volcano crater filled with water, way up high in the hills. The guy who was giving the tour says that the lake has no bottom... and I kind of believe him. I looked it up online and apparently when a different underwater volcano north of Grenada was actively bubbling, the waters in Grand Etang Lake were bubbling too. Maybe they are connected. creepy! After checking out the lake, we hiked up this crazy trail to the top of what felt like a mountain. I was so happy. I felt just like I was trekking through the jungles of Costa Rica again....except that there were about 100 people there with me, and there were none of my monkey friends. :( Many of the other students who came on the hike didn't have as much fun as I did. I overheard people complaining that it was the worst hike ever because the trail was muddy and slippery and people were falling all over the place. I guess they just aren't awesome jungle badasses like me. heh. When we got to the top of the hill, the view was incredible. I could see the ocean, and the misty forest, and all of the cute little houses of the city below. I will post photos tomorrow. Now, I am in my bed. All the mud has been washed off my feet, and I am looking forward to having a nice sleep and waking up refreshed and not hungover. There is a welcome party tomorrow at a bar called Aquarium. I am going to go, but I am not going to drink. Once is enough for this old lady.

In conclusion, here is a little movie I took today. It is one of the locals jumping off the falls. It looks like the video has been sped up, but it hasn't. Enjoy!

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