Monday, January 10, 2011


Well, I made it to Barbados safe and sound. I have about 3 hours until my next flight leaves so i'm just sitting in the terminal trying to overdose on caffeine. My flights went pretty well. On the one from Edmonton to Toronto I got a window seat and there was nobody sitting in the middle spot next to me. I was able to curl up in a ball and kind of lie down a little. Despite having slightly more space, I didn't get much rest. The plane was making really loud noises... it sounded kind of like that air compressor sound you hear in an auto garage. I was scared that the plane was going to fall apart while we were taking off but I kept my eyes on the flight attendants and they didn't seem to be alarmed. Eventually I just put on my iPod and drowned out the noise.

The flight from Toronto to Barbados was ok. This one was a much larger plane: window, 2 seats, aisle, 3 seats, aisle, 2 seats, window. I had an old lady sitting beside me. Actually aside from a few other student types like me, the entire plane was crammed with old people. It felt like a senior's vacation or something. Anyway, I spent the flight dozing and watching episodes of Burn Notice on my computer (it is a really good show!). Neither flight served food or drinks at all (F-you Air Canada you cheap bastards) so by the time I got to Barbados, I was dying of starvation. Thankfully my mom sent a bunch of snacks with me in my carry-on. She's the best.

When I got to Barbados, I had to claim my baggage. There were no baggage carts anywhere so I felt a little lost for a few minutes trying to figure out how to carry both of my 50 pound bags, plus my backpack all the way through the airport. Luckily, I met some other SGU students who had found a porter with a cart and had extra room. The porter wheeled all of our bags all the way to the check-in counter so I didn't have to lug them around. It also gave me a chance to make some Canadian med-student friends.

I am flying on an airline called LIAT for the last leg of my journey. They have a retarded baggage policy. Only one bag is normally allowed per person. One of my bags gets to fly with me, and the other one gets to fly standby on a later flight for an additional $60 American. huh. They were kind enough to let me choose which bag to bring but they were packed so full, I couldn't tell which one was which. Either way, I either get clothes or bedding when I get to the school. I kind of hope I picked the clothes bag because I didn't put any shorts in my carry-on. Oh well, I am not stressing about it because there were probably 20 other SGU students in the same boat. The people at the school can help us, i'm sure.

Anyway, just a few more things before I sign off for now.

  • So far I have met quite a few students, but they are all attending med school. I am looking forward to meeting my vet peeps.

  • One of the girls who went through the check in with me had some trouble. The people at the desk couldn't find her reservation and suggested she buy another ticket (even though she already paid for one). She told me to go on ahead so I don't miss the flight. I hope they sorted everything out. Apparently island life is a little more laid back so "we can't find your reservation" is a common thing to hear. I guess a mellow attitude helps.

  • My feet are hot, and I want very badly to put on my flip flops which may or may not be flying standby.

Ok that's it for now! i'm going to go find another coffee and find my gate. I would kill for a Timmy's right now.


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