Sunday, January 23, 2011

mah house

In response to a request from one of my fans, this post is dedicated to showing you all what my dorm is like. I have to admit, living on campus is pretty convenient.. I don't even mind sharing my space with somebody.

Anyway, on to the photos.
This first one is an aerial shot that I stole off the SGU website. I have added a large green arrow to indicate the location of my room. As you can see, the ocean is very close. I live in the largest dorm on campus and I am the only person in my entire class who lives in this building. Most of my friends are in a building across the soccer field from me. The hill behind my building leads to the administration offices and the library. It is very steep.

This is a photo of my building that I took while standing on the soccer field. My window has been marked with a yellow oval shape. There is a little bunch of trees near my window which helps in keeping the mid-day sun out. There is also a little pond. People often walk by my window so I keep my blinds shut all the time.

This is a view of the hallway leading to my apartment. My door is the second one on the right. I live in the middle wing of the building. I am happy that I live on the ground floor.

This is what you see as soon as you enter my apartment. As you can see, there is not a lot of counter space. There is also no oven and no drawer to put cutlery and utensils in. At some point, I hope I can find a used toaster oven to purchase....there is no way I would buy a new one here cause they're like a billion dollars. I bought the kettle on the table from a student yard sale for $20 EC which works out to about 8 Canadian dollars. It helps with my coffee addiction. :)

This is the view of the hallway when I stand in front of the little stove. My roommate's door is the nearest one on the left hand side, the middle door is for the empty room (our roommate never showed up so there are just two of us). The door at the end on the left is to my room. To the right, are the bathroom and shower room doors. Straight ahead is a locked closet door. Inside is the air conditioning unit. I only know this because some of my friends broke into their closet because they thought that it might be like a hotel party door that opens up into the next suite. It isn't.

Here is what the bathroom and shower room look like. They are both very small and plain but at least there aren't any cockroaches in the shower or frogs living in the toilet like there were in Costa Rica. (Actually.. I quite liked the frogs)

This is just another angle of the bathroom. I need to find some posters or something.

And here is the view of my room from inside the doorway. My desk is already a disaster... typical. I like my blue and green comforter, and I like how my computer sits right by my bed.

here is a view of my closet and messy desk area.

And here is the view I have when I look out of my window.

This place is pretty sparse, but compared to Costa Rica it is like a luxury resort. It is nice to not have cockroaches scuttle across my body while I am lying in bed, trying to fall asleep. I also like not having to check for scorpions before I step on the ground in the morning. I need to decorate my walls a little bit, but I didn't pack any posters or photos or anything. So if any of my friends or family have some photos, homemade art, fan-mail, or love letters that they want to send me (hint!) , here is my address.

Dayna Chetek, First Term SVM
True Blue Campus, St. Georges University
P.O. Box 7, University Centre,
St. George's, Grenada, West Indies

I can't wait for the letters to arrive! That's it for now!


  1. Okay good. So i won't send any toilet paper then since it looks like you have a million rolls. ;)

  2. heh. yeah, i think that is the allotment for the term. it came with the suite.
