Tuesday, May 4, 2010

how to ruin the internet

So the internet has been down for the last 5 days and that is (one of the reasons) why I haven't been able to post. The reason it was down was my fault. oops.

here's the story. So while I have been in Santa Rosa, I have gotten into the habit of downloading movies off of torrent sites. Everybody here does it. I like watching movies on my nights off. However, Paramount Pictures decided to crack down and spaz out a little. Apparently they weren't too happy that I downloaded the movie "How to Train Your Dragon" which came out in theatres a little while ago. They ended up writing a letter to the internet service provider (ISP) here demanding that they do something about the illegal downloads. The ISP wrote the Santa Rosa people a letter informing them that somebody at the park was downloading illegal movies and shut off the net till the Santa Rosa people sent a response. The Santa Rosa people sent everybody at the park a little message about how it is bad to download movies...and the PHD student told us at the dorms. I fessed up that I was the one who stole How to Train Your Dragon and promised that I wouldn't do it again. Nobody was mad, i wasn't in trouble (cause again, EVERYBODY does it).

This all happened right before the weekend. So the ISP didn't get the "we're sorry, we won't download movies anymore" letter until monday morning. Anyway, the nets are back up and running, and I have made a few blog posts to catch up for lost time.

Anyway, I would probably die without internet so i am not going to download any more movies.

Random thought: imagine if it was porn that caused all the fuss? I don't download porn, but if I did - that sure would be embarassing!

glad to be back.

P.S. my sweetheart left today. i was a crying snotting mess at the airport and i already miss him like crazy.

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