Thursday, May 6, 2010


ok. so just a couple of randoms before I go to sleep.

  • there are new people here! Another PHD student and her 2 field assistants arrived yesterday. They all seem pretty nice so far but i've been working so much I haven't had time to chat with them a lot yet. Its nice to have new peeps. It is even nicer that they didn't ask me to start sharing a room with the other field assistant! I was worried about that a lot (i need my space) when I found out that new people were arriving.

  • the rains seem to have cleared up for now. This is nice because a: i can now do laundry again and not have to worry about clothes not drying and smelling all mildewy, b: the humidity has dropped again. Unfortunately, we got enough rain to cause an insect explosion. There are now junebugs everywhere! These big stupid beetles fly around and either buzz in your ear, land on your clothes, or bonk you in the forehead while you are minding your own business. They are annoying. Even worse - there are nasty fast cockroaches everywhere. They crawl all over our dishes and it really bugs me. Slow giant roaches are tolerable, but the little fast plentiful ones gross me out.

  • Now that my sweetheart has gone home, it feels like an important piece of my heart is missing. This combined with the repeated long days and the millions of bugs is getting to me a bit. I am SO ready to finish up this field season and return to Canada. I even bumped up my return flight a few days to June 1 (thanks mom!!). I can't wait. Less than a month to go.

that's it!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear that you're missing your sweetheart. :(

    I'm glad to hear that you're coming home soon! Yay!
