Monday, May 17, 2010

LV is mean

So yesterday I was hangin out with LV. They decided to go through Quebrada Duende - a really rocky stream that is in a deep valley. I was stepping on the rocks while trying to keep up with them when one of the rocks rolled out from under my foot. I fell down, scraping my entire arm along a tree and hitting my head. My fall ended up scaring the monkeys who were on the ground right beside me when I fell. They all jumped into the trees and started threatening me while I was still dazed and laying in the dirt.

I was sad. I said to them "You guys don't be so mean! I am hurt!!" but they didn't care. They made their mean faces and shook branches at me to let me know not to do that again. No sympathy I tell you.

My arm still stings. Check out the huge scrape.

oh- and I didn't get that many photos of Playa Samara but I promise I will post them soon.
<3 <3


  1. quit showing off how skinny your arm is now. I know that is the real point to this post.
