Tuesday, May 4, 2010


So I have always had a bit of a lead foot. I can't help it. I drive fast. Its just the way I am and I can't possibly change at this point.
While we were on vacation, the sweetheart and I were zipping along in our rental car on the way to Santa Rosa. The speed limit signs are painted on the road here - which is something I find a little weird. I also find them difficult to notice. Anyway, I was doing about 100kph in an 80kph zone and we got stopped by the police. The cop didn't speak much english at all but asked where we were going and to see my passport and driver's licence. I told him that we were headed to the park, and handed over the documents. Then he went across the street and had a conversation with the other cop doing the radar gun. I overheard "Canada" a couple times in their conversation, but didn't catch the rest. When he came back, I thought for sure that he would give me a ticket... after all, i'm a touristey looking white person. Instead, he just told me that the speed limit was 80, and told me to drive slower. I can't believe my amazing luck.

My sweetheart said that if it was him at the wheel, we would have gotten a ticket for sure; he's a guy, he's an american, and he isn't nearly as good at making sad little puppy dog eyes as I am. Good thing I was at the wheel!

anyway, I drive a nice slow 95kph for the rest of the drive to the park (kidding!)

vroom vroom vroom

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