Wednesday, May 12, 2010

final holiday

So today is the start of my last holiday. I know what you're thinking... "didn't you just go on a holiday?". The answer is yes, but the PHD student bumped this one up because we leave at the end of the month. I have decided to go to Playa Samara - a nice little beach town down the peninsula. I really just want to relax with my sweetheart, but since he has gone home (sniff) I plan to just relax in the sun, lie by the pool/on the beach, work on some school stuff I need to complete, and enjoy being away from the noisy dorms (i'll write a little more about the new peeps that are here while I vacay).

Anyway, I need to get up so I can go catch the bus and make my way to Samara! i have already decided where to stay and I will blog lots while I am there. I PROMISE!


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