Saturday, March 12, 2011

midterms are over!

So I survived my first week of midterms and I even pulled off an A on my anatomy lab exam (still waiting for the grade from the lecture part).

I am officially 1/12 of the way through vet school in Grenada. It is going by sooo fast.

After my exams yesterday, a couple people went cliff jumping. I filmed them on my camera, but didn't jump myself because the scrapes on my knees from last time finally healed up and I didn't want to get more. We then went out for a drink to a restaurant/bar at a hotel nearby called Dodgy Docks. The restaurant is literally, right on the water and the place is quite nice since it's on a resort. After that the people I was with went to Bananas to go clubbing. I walked them there, and then went back to campus and promptly fell asleep. I was exhausted.

Today, I went on a booze cruise with about 25 of my classmates. It was really cool. We got to sail around on a giant catamaran, did some snorkeling at this neat underwater sculpture garden, and then had a nice lunch on this little island. I didn't think that alcohol and ocean waves would be a good combo for me, so I just layed in the sun all day and drank yummy passionfruit juice. Tonight, there is a vet school bonfire on the beach. It should be a nice night but I am pretty tired from all the sun so I doubt I will be out too late. I will post some of my photos if they turned out ok, but now I have to run out the door!

1 comment:

  1. You found some great ways to de-stress after all that midterm madness. You deserve it.
