Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Yesterday, while I was waiting at the bus with a classmate, I got to listen to the funniest conversation between her and some random guy on campus. Transcript below:

Classmate: Hey Dave.
Dave: (looking confused). Oh um...hi.
Classmate: You don't remember me, do you?
Dave: um... no. Have we slept together?
Classmate: no
Dave: well then that makes this less awkward, doesn't it?
Classmate: haha yeah. Why are you carrying around a plastic lightsaber?
Dave: cause i'm awesome like that.

lol. I thought it was totally random and funny. Dave sat down for a while and talked about a time when he went hitchiking while high on all kinds of drugs. Then he went on his way.

University has all kinds of interesting people here. And by interesting, I mean crazy.

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