Wednesday, March 9, 2011


so histology is not really my bitch. I only got a B, but I guess i'm ok with it. I didn't think my 4.0 would last the whole semester anyway... and i'm still doing really well overall.

This whole vet school thing is strange. I used to be the smart one in all of my classes at my old university. Here, I am just average. All of my classmates had to be just as awesome as me just to be accepted here. So we are all the smart ones, which makes *none* of us the smart ones. I guess its a good thing i'm funny and cute. hehe

Tomorrow I don't have any exams... but on Friday I have both my anatomy lab and lecture exam. There is sooo much information. I am taking a little break, and then I have to go back to the lab and study the cadavers some more. I need to learn all of the parts of the heart (which is kind of tricky) and all of the vessels of the thorax and thoracic (front) limb. plus about a million radiographs and drawings and vocabulary terms. I can't wait until Friday afternoon when it is all behind me. I have booked myself a massage in celebration of getting through this in one piece. It will feel fantastic.

Random fact: I have touched 5 dead dogs and 1 dead cat today.

that is all.

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