Tuesday, January 18, 2011

White Coat!

So I just came back from my white coat ceremony. At first, I was feeling kind of sleepy and antisocial and didn't really feel like even attending. But in the end, I am glad I did. The ceremony was nice. We got to listen to some good (but short) speeches from the Dean and the Key Note Speaker, and we all got to walk across the stage where we were presented with our white coats that have "SGU School of Veterinary Medicine" embroidered on them. We then recited the veterinary oath which officially inducts into the profession. Here is the only photo that I could find on Facebook of me up on stage. It's an extreme profile shot... not very flattering but oh well.

At the end of the ceremony, the Dean of Admissions came up and congratulated me and gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. He was the one who interviewed me over the phone when I first applied to vet school and he is the one who gave me a strong recommendation for admission. Whenever I see him now, he is so nice and always makes a point of saying hello to me. This one time, when I was waiting in line at registration he even grabbed me out of the line and brought me to the front and told the ladies there to give me anything I needed. It really made my night when I saw him at the ceremony. I feel all special because I am on a first name basis with him and he told me to call his office phone if I ever need anything. It feels good when a faculty member has your back like that. Anyway, here is a photo of us. I would also like to note that my new white coat is wayyyy too big and needs some serious hemming and alterations in the body.

After the ceremony we were served some dinner and some little cakey type desserts. They were good. Now, everybody is going out to Bananas to celebrate. I kind of want to go and celebrate with them, but our first anatomy lab is tomorrow at 9am. I want to be alert and focused all day and I don't want to mess it up by staying out late. There is a veterinary party on friday at the black sand beach down by the school library, so I think I will make myself a deal. No Bananas tonight, and if I stay alert and make good notes in class, and review what I learned after each day for the rest of the week, then I can go to the black sand beach party as a reward. That's fair, right?


  1. Dayna, we're so glad the ceremony went well and that you're ready for your first big day as a vet student. Good decision in rewarding yourself after reaching your first week goal. Proud mom & dad xoxo

  2. You look great in the white coat! :-) Your right though it is a little big...now you know how Linda feels swimming in hers! lol
