Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day One on the Island

What a day.

I got to Grenada safe and sound last night.... and after dealing with filling out a couple of forms for the baggage that was flying standby, me and a few other students were driven to school. I was given my room assignment by a student rep at the airport but when I got to my building, the room number that I was given didn't actually exist. To make matters worse, the RA (residential adviser) was not answering her door so I couldn't confirm my room or get any keys. She had a sign on her door that said "If I am not here, call security to let you into your room". However, having just stepped off a plane, I didn't have a cell phone. Thankfully a kind student came across me sitting in the hall waiting for the RA and let me use his cell. After about 2 hours of waiting, security was able to find my correct room and let me in so I could get some rest. By that time it was 1am and I was so wired I couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

Today, I got up and went to a meeting that I had with the Dean.... because my interview for school was over the phone, I had to meet with him in person to confirm that I am really me. After that, I went to find coffee and ran into a bunch of my vet school classmates. We all recognized each other through facebook and it was awesome to finally meet.

After breakfast and coffee, we all went to the student bookstore on campus and then took the school shuttle to the mall which is about a 5 minute drive away. A few people bought some groceries, but at that point I didn't have my room key yet so I just tagged along so I wouldn't be totally lost the next time. We then came back to campus so the others could put their things away, I got my room key, and then 5 of us took the shuttle to the Grand Anse beach. OMG is the beach ever beautiful. Don't worry, I took a ton of photos... i'm just too tired to resize them right now.

We swam for a bit, then walked along the beach and found this little hole in the wall beach restaurant. I got a rum punch to drink and a chicken roti to eat. The roti was this curried potato and chicken mixture all wrapped up in some kind of squishy indian tortilla. It was delicious. We then went back to campus all sandy and pink from the sun.

After the beach, we took a different shuttle (the shuttles are all free and come to the school every 15 minutes or so) to the airport to see if our bags had arrived. I wasn't expecting them to be there BUT THEY WERE! Every single person I hung out with today had lost at least one bag during the trip here, so we were all very happy to have our bedding, undies, and toiletry items. We took a cab back to campus and almost everybody went back to their dorms to unpack. Everybody except me and one other girl. Instead, her and I took one more shuttle back to the grocery store and did our shopping trip.

Now, I am lying in my bed, all showered and in my jammies. I will finish this update, and then I will have the best sleep of all time. Tomorrow should be another busy day. I will post photos soon and i'll write all about my day! I miss you all!


Just a couple more things before I go.

1. I don't seem to need as much sleep when I live in the tropics. The PHD student from Costa Rica said that he was the same.

2. My new camera is frakken awesome!!! It takes amazing HD video, and the photo quality is sooo clear. Here is a picture I took of a crab today... it looks allright. But check out how the same photo looks when you zoom in! Awesome huh? I am so glad I decided to buy it. ^___^

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear you're settling in just fine. Wish we had some of that heat and humidity here, as tonight will dip to -30. Yikes!!! Miss you already, but want you to make the most of this opportunity. LOL M & D
