Friday, February 25, 2011

friday night fun

its 1am on saturday morning and I have been studying for histology all night. What a way to spend a friday! It will be worth it if I can keep my A though - there's another exam on monday and I want to be prepared.

In other news, people are going all crazy right now trying to find roommates and arrange where they will be living next semester. I applied for a position as an RA on campus for next term. If I got it, I would get free room and board on campus and $20 a day in pay... but I would not be able to have my dog with me. I would also be stuck on campus - which sometimes gets me down because I have no private place to retreat to at the end of the day and it is very much like highschool here .... so I have very mixed feelings about the whole thing. If I don't get that position, a couple of people have asked if I would be interested in rooming with them, which would be ideal for saving money but would require that I have to share my space (a challenge for me sometimes). I also looked at a studio suite at a hotel near the beach for myself. The resort started renting to students and did so well that they are almost fully converted into apartments now. It is fantastic - pet friendly, all utilities included, safe location, a pool, and many classmates living there - but it is about equivalent to what I pay on campus right now. It is really hard to make up my mind on what I want to do. I will keep you posted on things as they develop. Now.... time for some Burn Notice (an awesome tv show i'm currently watching) and then some sleep.

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