Tuesday, February 15, 2011

cricoarytenoideus dorsalis

- I spent the entire evening in the anatomy lab studying for my exam tomorrow. I feel pretty good about it now. It is going to consist of 50 timed stations on dog and cat anatomy. We have 1 minute per station and have to know all of the major parts of the body (organs, vessels, nerves, etc), all of the bones and bony processes, the major joints, intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the thoracic limb (the front leg), thoracic limb radiographs, and palpation techniques on a live animal. I hope i kick ass.

- There's this little stray dog who has been hanging out on campus lately. She's small and brown and has the prettiest little face. Some of the students call her "Honey" and some call her "Spaz". She knows that the vet students will pet her and feed her, so she's always near our buildings. Tonight, she hung out with us in the anatomy lab while we studied. She curled up in a little ball on the floor after she got all tired out and I sat with her for a bit and scratched behind her ears. I really miss my dog Neko now. I haven't had a good dog-snuggle session in forever.

- All of the students in my class were on my nerves today. Even my friends. I don't know what's wrong with me but I need a serious time-out from people for a bit.

- I heard that the University of Saskatchewan might be accepting 2nd year transfer students soon. Apparently, when students drop out of school, the university will try to fill the open spots by transferring people in from other universities. One of the girls in my class has the contact information so I am going to seriously look into it for next year if I continue to get good grades. As much as I love it here, I would definitely come back and finish my degree in Canada if given the opportunity. It would be about 1/3 of the cost... and the less debt I have at the end of this - the better. Fingers crossed.


  1. Good luck on your test - it sounds like you will do awesome! Lets skype soon.

  2. My friend Kurt is a vet at the U of S. He and his wife Shannon are super awesome. If you get in, I can introduce you if you'd like. Also, Saskatchewan is hella cold.
