Wednesday, April 6, 2011

vet school randoms

- right now in our clinical skills class we are learning about horses. Our lab today was all about how to give a physical examination; we got to go to the farm and practice everything we have learned. Many people are scared of horses, but I used to go to riding camp as a teenager so I have a small amount of horse experience. During our lab, they showed us how to grab a horse's tongue so you can look inside its mouth. When they asked us if we wanted to try, everybody in my group was scared except me. I listened to the instructions, and was surprised at how easy it was! After I had the horse's tongue in my hand, I was able to look inside her mouth and check out her teeth and mucous membranes. It was cool. I can't wait to get to do more clinical stuff. It is the best way for me to learn. Also, next time I will try to remember to bring my camera.

- A while ago, I posted my school address on this blog and I was super surprised when I got a letter today! It is from my next door neighbour in Calgary. Enclosed with the letter was some awesome photography as well as a fun "Monster Reader" award from the library where he librarians at. Here is a photo of my award on the wall, beside a photo of Neko when she was a puppy, and my hashing "loss of virginity" certificate. I can't even explain how happy it made me to get mail. Thanks Jesse - you totally made my day. I will try to write back asap.

- Tomorrow my friend and I are going to see a performance of The Vagina Monologues. I heard it is a pretty funny show so I am looking forward to it. Tonight, I am going to spend most of my evening studying so that I can go out tomorrow.

- I found a place to rent for next semester. It is a 1 bedroom place in a really nice (safe) residential area which is a quick bus ride from the school. I had quite a few people ask me if I wanted to room with them, but I have lived on my own for so long... i'm just not ready to commit to a roommate yet. I don't think I would want to live with roommates again unless the price and the living space were just too great to pass up. Anyway, my new apartment is HUGE and the landlady is a little british lady who lives in the main suite in the house. the yard is fully fenced in, so Neko can go wherever she wants without any worries, and the landlady also has 3 dogs of her own - 2 pugs and a Jack Russell Terrier mix. I think I will really like living there. Many vet students live nearby, the beach is close, and the place is just far enough from the school so I won't feel like i'm trapped on campus anymore. I am going to give my deposit on friday to hold it.

- that's it for now. Gotta run to a physiology review.

1 comment:

  1. I see you got my parcel. I'm glad that you enjoyed it.
