Wednesday, April 28, 2010

long lost blog post

ok, so i'm totally still alive. I have been having such a nice time with my sweetheart that I haven't really been thinking about blogging. I will try to do better this week ok?

So here are just a few random updates.

  • the vacation was great. After the hotel in Liberia, the sweetheart and I rented a car and went to Tamarindo - a cool touristy beach town. We ate awesome sushi and stayed in a really cool villa that unfortunately had a broken air conditioner (thank ghod for fans).

  • after Tamarindo, we went to Playa Grande. I wanted to go there because apparently leatherback sea turtles nest there. Sadly, it was the wrong time of year to see them on the beach. The hotel there was great though. We had an awesome dinner (ahi tuna ftw!), and sat in a hammock under the stars for hours. Sooo nice.

  • the day after Playa Grande we came back to Santa Rosa. I showed my sweetheart the forest, and the monument, and the little museum. He also got to see tonns of frogs, bugs, deer, coatis, and CAPUCHINS! LV happened to be hangin out by the casona when we went for a walk there. I got to introduce him to my favorite little Chutney (who is about to have her baby any day now), Mostaza, Cayenne, and all the others.

  • Now I am back at work. On Monday, I took the sweetheart out to monkeyschool with me. We were following the group BH. It was a rough day. They didn't stop to rest the whole time and we lost them a couple times too. They also made us run up and down hills all morning. By 6am we were both dead tired. It was a good day for him to see what it is we do here, but it was not a good day to watch monkeys and see them up close. Hopefully when I spend the day with LV he will come and they will be a little kinder to us.

  • the rainy season is supposed to start at the end of May, but it appears to have come early. The past 3 days in a row there have been crazy thunderstorms with tonns of water. I really like storms so I have been enjoying them. There are frogs EVERYWHERE! I could see how it could get old after a while though. Everything is damp and the bugs are starting to come out. I am thankful that I am going to be returning to Canada in a month because by then I will definitely be ready to go.

  • The sweetheart was supposed to go home today, but we are having such a nice time he decided to extend his ticket for 1 more week. I am super happy that I don't have to say goodbye yet (cause that's going to SUCK). I will try to blog every day but you will have to forgive me if I miss a couple posts here and there. I want to spend every last possible second with him. I do have a few pics to post from the vacation.. so I promise i'll get to that sooon.

Anyway, I hope everybody is good!

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