Monday, May 16, 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011

finals are done!

Woohoo! I did it. I can't believe how fast this term has flown by. I am really happy because I ended up getting a 93% on my physiology exam which gives me a nice B+ in the class. I also ended up getting an A as a final grade in anatomy. So things are coming up Dayna right now. I am still waiting on my Radiology grade but I don't think it went badly at all.

Now, I am going to relax and enjoy the weekend. Tonight is going to be a fun night of celebrating with my classmates, and then tomorrow I get to go HASHING! It's been 3 weeks so I can't wait.

Hope everybody else is having a fantastic start to their weekend. xox

Thursday, May 12, 2011


I got an A on my nutrition final and an A overall in the course. One more exam to go, then I am done Term 1. :D

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

exam update

- still waiting for my radiology exam to be returned. i am hoping for a good grade. it felt like it went pretty well.

- today was the anatomy double-header. i got an A on the lab part, and I think i did well on the lecture part too but i have to wait for that grade. I think there is a very good chance of me coming out with an A in the course. that is good.

- tomorrow is my nutrition final. it is all about equine nutrition (bleh). I still have to review my flashcards in the morning.

- friday is physiology. I like physiology so hopefully I can end the week with an A.

- friday night is a celebration at a bar on the beach with my class. Saturday is a hash (yay!). sunday = beach. monday: packing and moving my things to my new apartment for storage. tuesday = airplane to canada! I can't believe the term has flown by so fast. i'll be an actual vet before i know it. :D

Monday, May 9, 2011


so I scored an 83% on my histology final. It is a good score, but I was trying for an 85 so I could pull my grade into the B+ range. B is still good though. no complaints. I am going to go for a snorkel as a reward. They put in a dock right beside my dorm a few weeks ago - it is nice to go sit in the sun and swim without having to go all the way to the beach on the bus.

After a bit of sun, it will be time to study radiology for the exam tomorrow. In this class the final is worth 100% of our grade. eek.

exam week

so exam week is here. in less than 1 hour I will write my first (and scariest) exam - histology. I have studied hard, and I am hoping to do well. Wish me luck!

Saturday, May 7, 2011


so we found some fun things in the anatomy lab today. took a little break to take silly photos.
2 more days until exam-hell begins. I think i am getting stupider the more i study. each new piece of info I learn pushes something old out of my brain.

It is likely that I will forget how to walk soon.... but at least I know my cranial nerves.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


starting to feel the panic creeping in.
My first final is tomorrow and then I have one every day next week (and 2 on wednesday). I am sitting with great grades right now and hopefully I can score well on the exams and finish off where I want to be in all of my classes.

After exams, I have a few days before I come home to relax, and deal with moving my things to my new apartment off campus for next term. I also am thinking about purchasing a car, but I don't know how feasible that is yet.

I need to have a nap before the study marathon begins.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


i know, i know. i am failing at blogging.
well, its nearly time for finals and i have been crazy busy. i don't even know if i will be able to hash this saturday. :(

i will try to do a better update tomorrow, but for now it's bedtime. i went to class from 9 - 5 and then studied from 6 - midnight. i'm worn out.

in exactly 2 weeks i will be back in canada. crazy!